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This is the danger that lurks if you rarely change your underwear

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As a woman, it is important to always keep the body clean, including the intimate parts. In addition to cleaning it properly, another thing you can do is diligently change your underwear. Because, if you rarely change your pants, then various problems can arise. What the hell? Take a peek below!

This is the danger that lurks if you rarely change your underwear

Bacteria in the pants will be exposed to the vaginal skin. This can cause annoying itching to irritation.

This is the danger that lurks if you rarely change your underwear

When the skin itches, you will definitely scratch the part. This is what can make a rash on the vaginal skin appear. The less you change your underwear, the worse the rash will be. Ouch, that’s scary!

This is the danger that lurks if you rarely change your underwear

Mold and bacteria that collect will create an unpleasant odor. Especially if you experience vaginal discharge, the odor that appears will be even sharper. Eww!

This is the danger that lurks if you rarely change your underwear

In addition to the three problems above, infections can also appear if you are lazy to change your underwear. The moist conditions of the intimate organs along with the abundance of germs and bacteria in the underwear will support the growth of fungi properly.

This is the danger that lurks if you rarely change your underwear

Not only on the head, lice can also appear on the intimate organs, you know. If lice lodge in the vagina, it’s not only itching that you feel, severe infections can also occur. Don’t you want to?

So, so that these problems don’t happen, don’t be lazy to change your underwear, Bela!

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