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The 8 Most Common Types of Anxiety Disorders

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Everyone must have felt anxious. Anxiety can arise due to stressful situations, work, or other things. But it turns out that excessive anxiety can cause long-term worry. If you feel nervous or anxious for a long time, you may have an anxiety disorder.

Before diagnosing yourself, keep in mind that the one who understands your own situation the most is you, Bela. If this excessive anxiety is bothering you, you can see a professional for consultation. Well, so that you understand better, this time Popbela will tell you the types of anxiety disorders that commonly occur in someone. Reported from several sources, let’s look at the explanation!

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Types of Anxiety Disorders You Must

This type of anxiety disorder is described in which anxiety occurs all the time. For example, you feel anxious to call the doctor, feel anxious about a friend’s condition even though nothing bad has happened before or even feel anxious while at work for no significant reason. In other words, the signs of someone who has an anxiety disorder type generalized anxiety disorder is where a person suffers from anxiety that does not correspond to reality. In addition, there are physical symptoms that are common in patients with GAD, namely easy sweating and rapid and short breathing.

2. Panic Disorder

Types of Anxiety Disorders You Must

Frequently feeling panicked repeatedly with a fairly frequent intensity is one of the symptoms of someone experiencing panic disorder. Panic attack or panic disorder is a sudden and severe feeling of anxiety that comes with significant physical symptoms, namely; increased heart rate, sweating, difficulty breathing and chest pain.

3. Social Anxiety Disorder

Types of Anxiety Disorders You Must

If the source of the anxiety you have is coming from social interactions, this is an early symptom you may be suffering from social anxiety disorder. Common signs someone is suffering social anxiety disorder is a lack of interest in leaving the house for fear of being judged by others. The result of this is that someone who suffers from this type of anxiety disorder finds it difficult to maintain friendly relationships and also make friends in the long term.

4. Over-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Types of Anxiety Disorders You Must

Often people with anxiety disorders over-compulsive disorder (OCD) is described as a person who really cares about cleanliness, where he will clean things repeatedly. In fact, someone who suffers over-compulsive disorder (OCD) is when he feels he has to complete his daily rituals every day and if he doesn’t do it he thinks it can hurt himself and others. Professionals identify people who suffer from this anxiety disorder often have compulsive traits that don’t match reality.

5. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Types of Anxiety Disorders You Must

PTSD anxiety disorder occurs when a person has been through a traumatic situation or experience. People who have this disorder are identified as unable to recover themselves after going through a traumatic situation. Symptoms of someone experiencing PTSD are that he avoids certain places or objects or often feels triggered by something that evokes his memory of the traumatic situation he experienced.

In severe cases, when going through a traumatic episode a person may act aggressively or even feel depressed. PTSD should be treated by meeting with a professional so as not to interfere with social life and help people who suffer from this disorder heal from the wounds of the traumatic experiences they experienced.

6. Separation Anxiety Disorder

Types of Anxiety Disorders You Must

Maybe some people think separation anxiety disorder only children can experience when they have to temporarily separate from their parents, but in fact adults can also experience this.

Symptoms of a person experiencing separation anxiety disorder is that he experiences excessive anxiety when he has to be separated from his loved ones, fears that occur continuously when he has to lose his family due to a disaster or die, or even to the fear of leaving home due to fear of being separated from loved ones.

While this is common in children, this type of anxiety disorder is a bit unnatural for adults and should therefore be consulted by a professional if you experience any of the things listed above.

Also Read: Often Attacking Millennials, 7 Solutions to Overcome Excessive Anxiety

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