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Not Many Know, These 3 Simple Habits Can Damage Uterus Health!

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Uterine health is an important part that must be maintained by every woman in order to have offspring. However, sometimes without realizing the daily habits that we do can damage the health of our uterus, you know, one of which is the habit of consuming sweet drinks.

Then what bad habits can damage the health of the uterus? Well Beauties, here’s a simple habit that can unknowingly damage the health of the uterus. Let’s look at the following information.

1. Frequently Consuming Sweet Drinks

Frequent consumption of sugary drinks
Frequently Consuming Sweet Drinks/Photo: Nilov

Habits that are not healthy and can damage the health of the uterus first, namely frequent consumption of sugary drinks.

Reporting from detikHealth, sugary drinks consumed in excess can increase the risk of uterine cancer in women. Researchers said those who drank large amounts of soda had a 78 percent greater risk of developing uterine cancer than those who drank less soda.

2. Happy staying up late

Nice to stay up late
Happy to stay up late/Photo: Piacquadio

According to a study, poor sleep habits can damage the uterus and cause miscarriage. In general, poor sleep habits lead to weight gain problems.

This excess weight causes ovulation problems for women. Therefore, from now on, let’s reduce the habit of staying up late if you don’t have an urgent need.

3. Smoking


The next bad habit that interferes with health is smoking. Smoking is known to have a variety of adverse effects, especially for health and one of them is the risk of cervical cancer.

Reporting from Wolipop, women who smoke are twice as likely to get cervical cancer than nonsmokers. Because, the content of carcinogenic chemicals found in cigarettes trigger the growth of cancer.

Well Beauties, those are some unhealthy habits that can unknowingly trigger various uterine health problems for women. Of course, as women, we want to have a healthy and awake uterus, right? Therefore, let’s start now to avoid the habits above for the sake of maintaining the health of our uterus. Hope it is useful!

[Gambas:Video Beautynesia]


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