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Lee Yoo Mi’s Difficulty Filming Squid Game and All of Us Are Dead Together |

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Lee Yoo Mi in the series All of Us Are Dead.  Dock.  Netflix.
Lee Yoo Mi admits the success of Squid Game and All of Us Are Dead will help him land bigger roles.

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – South Korean actress, Lee Yoo Mi admitted that she had difficulty exploring the roles for the two characters in Squid Games and All of Us Are Dead. At the same time, Lee Yoo Mi was filming the two Korean series in the summer of 2020.

In Squid GamesLee Yoo Mi plays Ji Yeong, while in All of Us Are Dead as Na Yeon. The two roles have characteristics that contradict each other.

“I studied my character while I was in the car while changing locations. When I went to shoot All of Us Are Dead, I felt like I was filling something inside of me. But when I went to shoot Squid Game, I had to switch to another version,” said Lee. Yoo Mi, quoted from Yonhap on Tuesday, February 15, 2022.

Despite the difficulties, Lee Yoo Mi felt lucky to be able to perform a role with a completely different style in such a short time. Lee Yoo Mi became one of the actresses whose name immediately skyrocketed globally after playing in the two Netflix dramas.

In Squid Games which was released in September 2021, Lee Yoo Mi played the role of Ji Yeong or player number 240. She became a young woman who competed for 45.6 billion won.

While in All of Us Are Dead, Lee Yoo Mi takes on the role of Na Yeon, a teenage girl who is spoiled and feels special. This character looks down on his classmates who have different backgrounds and constantly complains.

“These two series are very valuable and important to me. I’ve waited so long to watch them on screen. I’m just happy now. Everything is going much better than I thought before. I think it’s good luck,” said Lee Yoo Mi.

The difference in the character played by Lee Yoo Mi has become a conversation on social media. Many viewers hope that Ji Yeong’s character will survive in Squid Games, on the other hand Na Yeon became the character the audience disliked the most. “I’ve received so much swearing after playing in All of Us Are Dead, I think I’ll live longer,” the 27-year-old actress said with a laugh.

Lee Yoo Mi debuted in 2009 as a supporting role in television shows including the sitcom Taehee, Hyekyo, Jihyun!. During her decade-long career, Lee Yoo Mi has played most of the supporting characters, including in Squid Games and All of Us Are Dead.

Lee Yoo Mi admits that the success of the two Netflix series will help him land bigger roles. “Most importantly and thankfully that the Netflix series gave me more opportunities to continue my career in acting and experience more different roles where to come,” he said.

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