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For the sake of your health, here are 5 tips for choosing a safe pot

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The pot is one of the most important cooking utensils. For the sake of serving healthy and delicious food, don’t choose a pot carelessly. Because it can cause various problems. As with health problems, the cooking process becomes less effective, and the washing process is disrupted.

Here are some tips that you can apply in choosing a pan that is safe for health. Read on, yes!

1. A pan equipped with a drain to reduce oil

For the sake of your health, here are 5 tips for choosing a safe potpan illustration (

A pan equipped with a drain is very useful for your cooking process. In addition, arguably safer for health. Because the oil in fried foods can be reduced by draining. That way, the fat that enters the body becomes less.

It is known that fat that enters the body in large quantities can cause various diseases. You can take care of your family’s health by using a pan like this, right!

2. Choose a pan made of stainless or aluminum so it doesn’t rust easily

For the sake of your health, here are 5 tips for choosing a safe potpan illustration (

Don’t just choose a pan for cooking because it can affect your health and that of your family. Using a rusted pot when cooking can cause various side effects that are very dangerous for health. You also don’t want to struggle with rust while you’re cooking and washing, do you?

Be sure to choose a pan that doesn’t rust easily. You can use a pan made from stainless steel or aluminum to avoid that happening. There are quite a few on the market!

Also read: 10 Types of Pans and Frying Pans and Their Uses, Already Know?

3. For safety reasons, look for a pan with a heat-resistant handle

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For the sake of your health, here are 5 tips for choosing a safe potpan illustration ( King)

Furthermore, avoid using a pan with a handle in the form of a conductor that is not heat resistant. This type of pan is very dangerous for your safety, especially when you are in a hurry to cook.

Choose a pan with two heat-resistant handles so that your cooking process can run safely. With it, you no longer use kitchen gloves to lift it. Let’s use this pan to avoid accidents in the kitchen!

4. The pan is non-porous and anti-microbial is no less important

For the sake of your health, here are 5 tips for choosing a safe potpan illustration (

The next safe pot for health is a non-porous and antimicrobial pan. Make healthier foods by using pans made of glass or copper because they have fewer pores and fewer microbes as well.

Pots made of copper or glass are also good conductors of heat, so they can cook evenly. Apart from that, of course it’s healthier!

5. Think carefully before using a non-stick pan

For the sake of your health, here are 5 tips for choosing a safe potpan illustration (

Generally housewives choose non-stick pans for use at home. The reason is because the food will not contaminate the pan, so the washing process is not difficult.

However, it’s good now you think carefully before using it. Because most nonstick pans will peel off if you keep heating them. This can cause the coating to get into the food you are cooking. Not a good choice for health!

The five tips above can increase your knowledge about how to choose a quality pot that is good for health. Besides that, it can also make the cooking process more fun, right? Happy cooking!

Also Read: 5 Facts about Gamasot, Korean Traditional Pans Since Ancient Times!

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