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13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer Speedrunner

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Ever heard of the term speedrun no? It’s one of the most important terms in the world of gaming, you know. In brief, speedrun is the term for finishing the game in the shortest possible time.

Generally speedrun performed by professionals as well as in-game perfectionists. If you watch YouTube or channel other games, you will always see that speedrun it’s like an achievement in itself.

To successfully do speedrun not easy. For a pro alone, he would need to take hours just to master breaking records in one stage. Because it’s not that easy, you need to know a few things before starting speedrun.

1. Choose the right game

13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerIDN Times/Sukma Shakti

Right here I don’t mean games that are designed or popular to be made speedrunbut the game you feel you want to do speedrun. You have to remember that when you do speedrun, it is certain that you will see the image and hear the same sound over and over again. So look for games that you really want and don’t bore you.

2. Looking for community

13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerIDN Times/Sukma Shakti

The community is very important to provide tips on how you should do things for the games you play. They can provide solutions on how to cut the duration of your playing time to an easy way to beat your opponent. The point is you need to have a discussion about what you are going to do in doing speedrun.

3. Choose your equipment

13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerIDN Times/Sukma Shakti

You know that there are several controllers designed for certain games, such as a special controller for soccer games that makes your game more flexible. This is a good time to look for such equipment and temporarily get rid of the original controllers you usually use. Speedrun need everything that can improve your playing skills.

4. Get to know the term speedrunner

13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerPhoto by Sean Do on Unsplash

Like other communities, the speedrunner community has a special term in it. To understand what they are talking about, you have to understand the terms.

Some of the common terms they used to mention were 100%, any%, glitchless, skip etc. You can check Google by keyword speedrun terms to understand the meaning of the term.

5. Master the basics

13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerPhoto by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

As the wise words of the teachers from the past: first master the basics, then learn about them. Before doing tricks to shorten playing time, you need to know the basic tricks first. Practice the basics of the trick until you really know it by heart, then move on to more complicated tricks. Consistency is key here.

6. Don’t forget to explore

13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerIDN Times/Sukma Shakti

Exploring does not only apply in RPG games but in all games. Since this is in practice, you need to explore the content of the game.

Like looking for program errors in the game or looking for a shorter secret route. Exploring these things makes you recognize the game you are going to speedrun-right and that really helped break the record.

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7. Keep calm

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13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerPhoto by Sean Do on Unsplash

Amount trial and error and the difficulty of doing tricks that cut playing time will make you feel frustrated. Here you must learn to remain calm so as not to be provoked by trouble. You also have to learn to stay calm when things are going smoothly because arrogance generally destroys your efforts.

8. Learn from mistakes

13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerIDN Times/Sukma Shakti

It’s useless you repeatedly practice and make mistakes, but don’t learn what is the cause of your mistakes. When you do speedrun, of course you will install a strategy and it is not impossible that the strategy does not work perfectly. In this position you have prepared plan different things so that the same mistakes don’t happen again because, like the words of para speedrunner professional, there is no such thing speedrun Perfect.

9. Set realistic goals

13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerIDN Times/Sukma Shakti

Do not be grandiose in making goals. It’s like a dream, you really have to dream it as high as the sky, but because it’s so high you’ll also be hurting more.

Instead of being disappointed by a goal that was not achieved, it is better to make a goal that you can achieve first to increase your self-confidence. Like an RPG game, first raise your level and then fight the boss.

10. Just keep going!

13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerPhoto by Ugur Akdemir on Unsplash

As stated above, you can feel frustrated by repeatedly making mistakes. You really can’t give up and have to learn from your mistakes, but you also need to keep moving forward. By continuing to progress, you will reduce the risk of feeling frustrated and will get better at getting to know the game you are playing.

11. Share your progress

13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerIDN Times/Sukma Shakti

This is not a mandate you have to follow. You can still save your progress, but by sharing it with community friends speedrunneryou also open the gate to another solution.

They can provide solutions that you never thought of. The presence of the audience who saw you do speedrun also allows you to be motivated.

12. Change the game if necessary

13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerIDN Times/Sukma Shakti

Don’t ignore boredom. Like a job, there are times when you are bored with it and you can be sure it will reduce your performance. In times like this, you can take a short vacation by playing other games. But don’t forget, come back to the game what will you speedrun– right after relaxation.

13. Enjoy what you do

13 Tips to Become a Super Reliable Gamer SpeedrunnerIDN Times/Sukma Shakti

Although speedrun is an achievement in itself, but don’t forget that the game is played to be enjoyed. Don’t let it be because you are obsessed with speedrun then you forget the fun things in playing.

Just enjoy every mistake and experience there is. Later you will get success speedrun– yourself.

How? Ready? gaskeun!

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