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Turning Red review – Cinemags

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For those who like films from the PIXAR production house, of course, they can’t wait to see Turning Red

Until finally, it was officially announced that it will be broadcast live on the Disney + Hotstar platform on March 11, 2022, and news has also circulated in almost all social media and related media that this animated film Turning Red is a personal story from its creator. Domee Shi


What is interesting in this film is that the character of Panda becomes the center of cultural depiction with the awkwardness of a teenager and this is something new. This inevitably makes people interested, want to know and know more.

Cinemags himself considered that this animated film, full of new surprises that were rarely encountered, impressed this animated film “fresh and genuine“. Through the first half, the audience will indeed be brought to the typical problem of middle-aged teenagers in general through the figure of Mei Lee (Rosalie Chiang ) and this is something of global interest.

In the second half of the second half, the audience was brought to a thick atmosphere of creator culture Domee Shi , and this is very interesting . Something new that is known, coupled with elements of drama, comedy and sympathy, tightly wraps the storyline in the future. The audience couldn’t help but be transported to the memories of their teenage years, when they felt awkward, felt they had no place anywhere, and a fondness for boy band is a daily experience that is experienced and lived by teenagers and their gang friends.

Turning Red
Turning Red

From a visual perspective, the audience seems to be looking back at the past, when in detail they are brought back to the era of the 80s. This thrills the heart and feelings, bringing those who of course are now adults and may already have children, to be able to share knowledge, personal experiences with their children. This can be said to be a family film, but not so much that the storyline brings the audience to that point.

Cleverly too, scene after scene that is natural about the relationship between adults and children is presented at a fast tempo, but hits. This keeps the teenage audience from feeling patronized and can build empathy for the feelings experienced by adults.

If there are shortcomings in this animation, it might be the curiosity of the audience who wants to know more about the mythology surrounding the panda presented by Domee Shi, to the interest in the characters of Mei Lee’s friends (Rosalie Chiang) namely Miriam (Ava Morse) , Priya (Maitreyi Ramakrishnan) and Abby (Hyein Park) .

Don’t miss it, Turning Red movie only on Disney + Hotstar platform.

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