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The Myriad Benefits of Citrus Fruits for Health

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In addition to having a refreshing taste, citrus fruits also have a myriad of health benefits. you know. One of them is maintaining the health of the digestive tract. nowto find out other benefits of this sweet and sour fruit, come on see the description in the following article.

Citrus fruit is known as one of the fruits with high vitamin C content. In fact, in addition to vitamin C, this fruit also contains a variety of other nutrients, such as vitamin A, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, folate, and choline.

Myriad of Benefits of Citrus Fruits for Health - Alodokter

Benefits of Citrus Fruits for Health

There are many types of citrus fruits, there are kasturi oranges, mandarin oranges, Medan oranges, limes, grapefruits, to sunkist oranges. However, whatever the type, there are several benefits that you can get by eating citrus fruits, namely:

1. Increase endurance

Almost everyone knows that oranges are a good source of vitamin C consumed every day. This vitamin plays an important role in maintaining and increasing the body’s resistance so as not to get sick easily.

In addition to vitamin C, citrus fruits are also rich in antioxidants which play an important role in counteracting the effects of free radical exposure.

2. Prevent anemia

Besides being useful for maintaining and increasing immunity, vitamin C in citrus fruits is also able to increase iron absorption in the body. Iron is one of the building blocks of red blood cells. Iron deficiency can cause iron deficiency anemia.

A healthy diet with balanced nutrition, especially when accompanied by consuming oranges, will maximize iron absorption, so it is hoped that the risk of anemia can be reduced.

3. Maintain heart health

Vitamin C, flavonoids, and carotenoids contained in citrus fruits are believed to be good for maintaining heart health. Not only that, oranges also contain potassium which is known to help control blood pressure and support heart health.

4. Help meet the body’s fluid needs

Oranges are one type of fruit with a fairly high water content, which is around 85%. You can eat this type of fruit to help you meet your daily fluid needs. So, don’t be surprised, if after eating this fruit you will usually feel fresher and not thirsty anymore.

5. Supports digestive system health

Apart from containing enough water, oranges also contain fiber which is good for the health of the digestive system. The fiber in citrus fruits is responsible for maintaining gut health, increasing the number of good bacteria in the intestines, facilitating the digestive process, and keeping you full longer.

6. Keep blood pressure stable

Citrus fruits contain high enough potassium. In 100 grams of oranges, at least contained about 166 milligrams of potassium. This mineral can help lower blood pressure and keep it stable.

7. Maintain healthy skin

Vitamin C in oranges is known to play an important role in the formation of collagen which is useful for maintaining healthy skin, including helping to keep the skin elastic and slowing down the formation of wrinkles.

Seeing the many benefits of citrus fruits for health, making this fruit suitable for consumption every day, both by adults and children. Oranges can be enjoyed directly, processed into juice, or as a mixture in salads.

Even though it has many benefits, don’t eat too much of this fruit. Although rare, consuming too many citrus fruits can actually make you experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, or headaches. In addition, this one fruit contains acid that can worsen the symptoms of GERD.

So, consume oranges in reasonable portions. If after eating this fruit you experience some of the symptoms above, immediately consult your condition to the doctor to get the right treatment.

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