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Telkomsel Gradually Upgrades All 3G Services to 4G in 2022

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Starting in 2022, Telkomsel will gradually upgrade/upgrade 3G network services to 4G/LTE throughout Indonesia. Yes! Through the release received by Droidlime, this is in line with government directives through the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo).

Indeed, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has begun to encourage telecommunications operators in the country to review the abolition of 3G services while taking into account the readiness of equitable 4G/LTE services and taking into account the interests of the general public.

As mentioned by Hendri Mulya Syam, President Director of Telkomsel, that this year Telkomsel will accelerate the upgrade of 3G network services to 4G/LTE as a continuation of its commitment to continue to open wider opportunities for all levels of society to enjoy equitable access to leading technology networks.

“We hope that the step of upgrading the network from 3G to 4G/LTE is able to optimize more potential in various regions through a more accelerated cross-sector digital transformation, so that it can strengthen the national digital economy going forward,” said Hendri.

Telkomsel also ensures that this upgrade process has gone through the stages of careful assessment, planning and preparation. This includes the readiness of infrastructure and technology, guaranteeing customer convenience, to compliance with the legislation in the telecommunications sector and consumer protection, which applies in Indonesia.

To that end, Telkomsel regularly communicates and coordinates with all relevant stakeholders, from the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information, to consumer institutions/institutions such as the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) to the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI).

Meanwhile, Nugroho as Telkomsel’s Network Director said that Telkomsel had prepared all action plans starting from technical preparations, socialization to customers, to optimal mitigation stages, in order to ensure the process of upgrading 3G services to 4G/LTE can run well.

“In its implementation, QoS (quality of service) standards will also continue to be maintained in order to meet applicable regulatory standards so that customer comfort is maintained. We have made these various preparations as a form of Telkomsel’s commitment,” explained Nugroho.

Nugroho further explained that by using 4G/LTE services, retail (B2C) customers can enjoy a better digital activity experience than 3G services, such as streaming video and digital music, video conferencing, playing online games, to VoLTE services.

Along with the service upgrade, Telkomsel invites customers who are currently still using 3G services to immediately switch to 4G/LTE services. For this reason, Telkomsel is ready to assist customers in accelerating service migration.

“We also hope for the support of all relevant parties and stakeholders in helping the process of upgrading this 3G to 4G/LTE service. Collaboration with the government, supporting partners such as infrastructure partners, technology partners to device provider partners will also help accelerate this upgrade,” concluded Hendri.

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