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Opinions about Colorless Rainbows

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Rainbow Without Color is a film by sdirector Indra Gunawan, and this film is made carefully based on the personal story experienced by the director even in another form, so it can be said that this is a touching story inspired by Indra Gunawan’s personal life as well as from the novel of the same name written by Mahfrizha Kifani on the Kwikku platform. .

Indra Gunawan himself on several occasions said that during the filming process, he experienced a heavy burden in several scenes. This is because, he feels back to the situation in his personal experience, and in some scenes his memory re-emerges of these events.

When we talk about this film, the first thing we see is the film poster.

Colorless Rainbow

Here it is seen that there are two actors who are known through one of the soap operas and films in the classic or legend category. The two actors in question are Rano Karno and Maudy Koesnaedi (\, who are known through the Si Doel Film franchise.

Colorless Rainbow

In this film they also act as a husband and wife couple, and it seems that each of them loves each other, like a harmonious family. This can also be seen in the trailer

The synopsis is as follows

Fedi (Rano Karno) never imagined that the beautiful plan in his marriage was destroyed because his wife had Alzheimer’s disease. From day to day, Kirana (Maudy Koesnaedi) keeps forgetting all the simple to the most important things in her life. The situation turned so full of emotion that it seemed as if the calm in the house disappeared, then replaced with endless sadness. Fedi continues to be tested with Kirana’s condition which is getting worse day by day. The household duties that were originally held by his wife, are now fully burdened by him. Can Fedi survive or even choose to give up?

This film is actually very touching and strong in character deepening given by the 4 characters in this story. The couple Rano Karno and Maudy Koesnaedi, in some scenes it looks like they are still watching gesture and language like Doel and Zaenab, but then immediately transformed into something different, so the audience can see them as characters Fedi and Kirana.

Fedi here looks like a man who is very busy at work, and although he still cares about his family, he doesn’t really care about details, so he only realized Kirana’s condition recently and unfortunately it has gotten worse.

Ferdi’s mother played by actress Ratna Riantiarno, showing the in-laws who love their in-laws, but over time they become annoyed because of Kirana’s changing attitude. Her acting power is very powerful, so that by just standing, the audience can feel what the mother really thinks about Kirana’s condition and behavior.

However, what attracted the most attention was, of course, the presence of the young actor Zayyan Sakha, who, although it seems that his acting is still lacking, can more or less keep up with the acting of Rano Karno and Maudy Koesnaedi. It is natural for the audience to think that perhaps the character in this film was specially created for him. But the director Indra Gunawan has said that Zayyan has participated in the casting process with a row of other potential actors.

If there is a shortage, it is felt that there is no breathing room for the audience, because there is no pause in scenes full of suffering due to this disease, from beginning to end.

The audience is indeed given a little flashback, but it also brings a gloomy and sad feel, so that it can be said that until the film is finished, the audience feels a heavy burden. The burden of having to witness the suffering of others contained in the film media. Because don’t the audience want to watch for entertainment?

There is nothing wrong with a film that wants to periodically tell what will be experienced by someone who is affected by Alzheimer’s disease, but because the nuance is dark and dark, then when the film is over, the audience feels burdened with a problem.

The Rainbow Without Color film is still showing in Indonesian cinemas

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