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8 Super Foods for Fat and Healthy Babies

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The little one eats voraciously and looks healthy and fat is certainly good for him. To support this, there are several types of super foods that you can give so that your baby eats well and becomes a healthy fat baby.

The size of the baby’s stomach and digestive organs are still very small, so the portion of food consumed is not much. It is important for parents to ensure the nutrients that enter their bodies, so that they can support the body’s growth.

8 Super Foods for Fat and Healthy Babies - Alodokter

But remember, babies are generally introduced to solid food, or often called complementary foods for breast milk (MPASI), at the age of 6 months.

In order for a healthy fat baby, there are several principles in serving complementary foods to babies, namely food must be fresh, colorful, and have a variety of textures and tastes.

Variety of Foods for Healthy Fat Babies

The following are some types of food that can be served to make a healthy fat baby:

1. Broccoli

Broccoli contains lots of fiber, folate and calcium. These green vegetables are very good to be the first vegetables that your little one tries. Cut into small pieces and steam until soft so that the baby can eat them easily.

2. Banana

Bananas are easy to serve and practical to carry everywhere. In addition, the content of potassium, carbohydrates and fiber are also good for the baby’s body. If you want to give this superfood to your baby, choose a ripe banana and serve it by scraping or mashing it.

If your little one can chew, you can cut the bananas into small pieces for easy consumption.

3. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain lots of vitamin C, beta carotene, fiber, potassium, iron, and antioxidants. The sweet taste makes babies love it. Sweet potatoes can be served by steaming until cooked and then pounded, or blended into a puree (porridge).

4. Avocado

Avocado is a source of calories that is rich in healthy fats and can support brain development. The fat composition in avocado is almost similar to the fat composition in breast milk.

In addition, avocados also contain high amounts of protein which is known to be good for baby growth. These two ingredients make avocados able to make babies fat healthy.

Mother can serve mashed ripe avocado to the Little One. However, do not give avocado in excess because this fruit fills up quickly.

5. Carrots

Besides having a sweet taste and attractive bright color when served, carrots also contain beta carotene which is good for baby’s development and vision. Carrots can be served by steaming until cooked, then mashed, or mixed with baby porridge.

6. Orange

Oranges are rich in vitamin C can support bone growth, as well as the formation of muscles and other body tissues. This vitamin also helps the absorption of iron from food, and keeps the body’s fluid levels in balance. For your little one, you can choose oranges with a sweet taste.

7. Eggs

The main content of eggs is protein, zinc, folate, and various types of vitamins that are important for the baby’s growth. Egg yolks contain choline and omega-3 which are very instrumental in the development of the baby’s brain. However, if your little one has a history of allergies or is at risk of developing allergies, consult your doctor first before giving them eggs.

8. Meat

Beef, fish, or chicken are good sources of protein, iron, zinc, and omega-3. In order for optimal growth and development, babies need to get protein intake from meat on a regular basis.

However, make sure to grind the meat before serving it to your little one. Mothers can also mix meat with mashed vegetables and breast milk.

Other types of healthy foods that are no less effective in making babies healthy fat are nuts, seeds, wheat, cereals, and milk. However, for cow’s milk and dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt, ideally given after the little one is 1 year old.

In addition to sufficient nutrition so that the baby is fat and healthy, it is also important to always monitor the baby’s growth and development. Use the Towards Healthy Card (KMS) to see the nutritional status, and assess whether your little one’s growth is appropriate for his age.

Don’t forget to do regular health checks as much as possible at the Posyandu, puskesmas, or doctor, so that your little one can continue to be monitored for health and growth and development.

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