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7 Tourist Attractions in Dago Pakar Bandung

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Dago Pakar is one of the tourist areas that has historical value as well as beautiful and enchanting nature which is a tourist spot in Indonesia. That’s the charm of this place. In addition, Dago Pakar is also an urban forest which was prepped as the first forest park in the archipelago during the reign of Indonesia’s second president. And Pak Suharto also played a role in making it a grand forest park. Instead of being curious about Dago Pakar and what’s there, take a look at the following reviews.

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Dago Pakar, this one tourist spot certainly has its own uniqueness when compared to other tourist locations in Bandung and is a tourist spot in West Java. Well, when entering the forest area, we will meet old and tall trees, the forest is still beautiful and natural, giving peace to anyone who visits Dago Pakar. Anyway, this location is very suitable as a place for refreshing and relaxing for a moment, enjoying the fresh air typical of mountainous nature that makes the lungs relieved, stopping for a moment from daily activities in urban areas and having a vacation here, you will definitely be fresh again.

As previously mentioned, Dago Pakar, which was originally a city park, has since been the first major forest park in the archipelago. Yes, the name became the Djuanda Forest Park or more popularly known as Tahura Djuanda. If you travel from the center of the Flower City, the distance is approximately 7 km to the north. This location is at an altitude of 800-1350 meters above sea level. Pretty high, right? Indeed, it is located in Upper Dago. Because of its location, Tahura Djuanda is more popular with the name Dago Pakar. Tahura Djuanda which covers an area of ​​​​approximately 527 hectares, in this place you can find historical tours in the form of the Dutch Cave and the Japanese Cave, the remains of ancient humans whose evidence is ancient artifacts in mini museums, educational tours about plant species, and so on. other.

The various types of plants in Dago Pakar include calliandra (calliandra callothyrsus), pine (pine merkusii), bamboo (bambusa sp.), cinnamon, teklan, and so on. The animals here include civets (Paradoxurus herma paproditus), monkeys (Macaca insularis), squirrels (Callosciurus notatus), jungle fowl (Gallus gallus bankiva), Kepodang (Oriolus chinensis), finches (Pycnontus caferaurigaster), and so on.

If you decide to take a vacation to Dago Pakar, it’s better to enjoy this tour by walking through the path in the forest park for 5-7 km. Walking makes you more able to enjoy the natural atmosphere and the refreshing air. Along the way you will find historical relics, namely the Dutch Cave and the Japanese Cave. For more details, here are the tourist attractions in Dago Expert:

  1. Japanese Cave

Japanese CaveThis cave is a cave that was made/built in 1942 when Japan was still colonizing Indonesia. The location of this place from the entrance of Dago Pakar is approximately 600 meters. This Japanese cave has 4 interconnected doors, except for the second door. This door was deliberately made to outwit the enemy.

The cave, which is approximately 70 meters in length, was used as a fortress and protection for the Japanese in the North Bandung area. Inside the cave there are 4 rooms that used to serve as a resting place for the commander of the Japanese army. When the Japanese left the archipelago, this cave was neglected, left alone so that it was overgrown with shrubs. However, this Japanese Cave was again found complete with ammunition and weapons that had been used by the Japanese. This discovery occurred in 1965.

  1. Dutch Cave

Dutch CaveNext, there is the Dutch Cave, which is about 400 meters away from the Japanese Cave. Well, this Dutch Cave looks wider when compared to the Japanese Cave and the condition is also better. This is because the Dutch Cave has been renovated several times.

The Dutch cave in the past was used as a tunnel for the Bengkok Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA), then it was turned into a secret communication center for the Dutch Army and after independence this cave was used as a place to store gunpowder. Please note that this Dutch Cave was built in 1941.

  1. Hiking to Maribaya

Hiking to MaribayaThe vast Djuanda Tahura area connects Dago Pakar and Maribaya Lembang tourism. For those of you who like walking and hiking, try to pass the 4 km long trail from Dago to Maribaya. Indeed, the journey continues to climb and you will pass a winding river accompanied by the sound of birds and sometimes monkeys are also seen.

If you are tired, don’t worry. There are several gazebo points that you can use as a place to rest for a while. Along the way you can see several waterfalls, including Koleang Waterfall / Koleang Waterfall, Omas Waterfall, and the beautiful Maribaya Park.

  1. Dago Waterfall and Thai Royal Inscription Stone

Dago Waterfall and Thai Royal Inscription StoneThis waterfall, which is located at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level, has a height of only 12 meters. The formation of the waterfall is caused by the flow of the Cikapundung River which flows from Maribaya to Bandung with a heavy flow so that it is never empty of visitors who come to this tourist spot.

Besides being beautiful, Curug Dago also stores historical relics from the Kingdom of Thailand which is not far from the location of the waterfall. This stone is a relic of 1818 from King Rama V and King Rama VII of the Chakri Dynasty who have visited here and for those of you who are in Bandung, it is mandatory to visit Curug Dago because it has a beautiful waterfall which is the main attraction in this tourist spot. .

  1. Lalay waterfall

Lalay waterfallThis waterfall is the final series of many waterfalls that flow from the Cimahi River. This waterfall has a height of 30 meters. Near the waterfall there is a cave. And on the walls of the cave there are many stray animals which in Indonesian are called bats. This is where the origin of the name of this waterfall, Curug Lalay.

This Lalay waterfall is never empty with visitors who come because in this waterfall there is a beautiful view with the trees around the waterfall that will make you feel at home to visit this tourist spot.

  1. Omas waterfall

Omas waterfallThe height of this waterfall is about 30 meters with a depth of approximately 10 meters. It is located on the Cikawari river. At the top of the waterfall there is a bridge that can be passed and used to see the beauty of the waterfall from above. Precisely the confluence of the Cigulun and Cikawari rivers that form the Cikapundung Hulu watershed.

This tourist spot is a waterfall in Indonesia which has the uniqueness of this waterfall which will be the main attraction of this waterfall which makes this tourist spot never empty with visitors.

  1. Lembang Fault

Lembang FaultThe Lembang fault stretches from east to west in the northern area of ​​Bandung. The fault line will be clearly visible along about 25 km. This is marked by the straight line of hills starting from the east of Maribaya tourism to Cisarua-Cimahi.

The hill in the Lembang fault is a suitable tourist spot for young people because it will test the adrenaline by climbing the hill in this Lembang fault and even this tourist spot is never empty with visitors arriving.

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