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7 Symptoms During Menstruation That You Shouldn’t Ignore!

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Experience mood swings and stomach cramps at the beginning of menstruation is actually a natural thing for women. This happens because of hormonal changes in the body that trigger the body to react during the initial period, before, or even after menstruation.

However, not everything can be considered normal. You actually have to pay attention to some of the symptoms that also often occur during menstruation. Because, without realizing it, this can actually be a sign of disease in your body! Come on!

Be Careful, These 7 Menstrual Problems You Shouldn't Ignore!

Bela, maybe most of you have experienced late menstruation, right? This doesn’t always mean you’re pregnant. Normally, the menstrual cycle will repeat for 28-30 days. However, it is possible if you experience a time change of 5-7 days. However, if your menstrual cycle is delayed for a long period of time, there could be a problem with your body.

Irregular menstrual schedules can be caused by burdened thoughts such as stress, unhealthy eating patterns, or excessive exercise. If this condition occurs for approximately three months, you should immediately see a doctor, yes!

Be Careful, These 7 Menstrual Problems You Shouldn't Ignore!

Menstruation is generally routinely experienced every month with a time span that is not much different. Then, what if you don’t have a definite date of menstruation? You have to be careful, Bela! If you really can’t predict your menstrual schedule, sometimes it’s late or suddenly comes, this indicates a problem with the thyroid gland in your neck which acts as a hormone regulator. It could be, this is a sign of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism that causes erratic menstruation.

Be Careful, These 7 Menstrual Problems You Shouldn't Ignore!

Headaches during menstruation are not experienced by every woman. This usually occurs in women who do have migraines. Not an ordinary headache, you are actually very tormented and feel unbearable pain in the head. If you experience this, you can immediately take medication to relieve headaches. However, if it is very bothersome, you can take anti-nausea medication to relieve swollen blood vessels and make the headache not spread everywhere. It’s good, you also consult a doctor to overcome it. Don’t let it subside on its own, OK?

Be Careful, These 7 Menstrual Problems You Shouldn't Ignore!

Menstruation period usually occurs for 5-7 days. In contrast to the condition of menstruation that is not smooth, excessive bleeding that occurs in the long term you should not ignore, you know! You see, you can become dehydrated and feel weak. Especially for those of you who have a history of anemia. In addition, excessive bleeding is also a symptom of the disease menorrhagiahormonal problems, even the risk of polyps in the uterus.

Be Careful, These 7 Menstrual Problems You Shouldn't Ignore!

Brownish spots or patches are usually found at the beginning or a few days after menstruation. But if you experience it outside of your menstrual schedule, you should immediately contact your doctor. Not only does it indicate a problem, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, spots are also a symptom of cervical cancer. You don’t want that to happen, do you?

Be Careful, These 7 Menstrual Problems You Shouldn't Ignore!

Stomach cramps during menstruation are very painful. It feels like the stomach is being squeezed and shed. No wonder lying down is the most comfortable position to slightly reduce pain. Don’t worry Bela, the stomach cramps will usually subside in a few hours. However, if this stomach pain continues to torment you until it is difficult to move, it’s a good idea to immediately see a doctor. Excessive abdominal cramping can be a sign of endometriosis, a condition in which the tissue that lines the uterus grows in other organs, causing excessive abdominal pain. Immediately check with a doctor if this happens to you!

Be Careful, These 7 Menstrual Problems You Shouldn't Ignore!

You must have often heard the term Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), right? Yes! The emotional condition that you often experience before menstruation is very natural. You see, your body is undergoing hormonal changes. But wait! If you feel really bothered by mood If you are up and down, it could be that you are not just experiencing PMS.

Condition bad mood excessive and uncontrolled usually also known as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). Symptoms are indicated by mood ups and downs, making you antisocial, and not being able to enjoy the things that normally make you happy. Of course you can’t allow this. So that it doesn’t continue to be one of the stages of depression, you can consult a doctor to ask for a solution or medicine, OK!

Some of the things above may be experienced frequently, so you think that this is normal. However, it’s a good idea, if the conditions above have interfered with your daily activities, you should immediately see a doctor! Prevention is better than cure, right, Bela?

Also Read: Obesity To Stress, These 5 Causes Menstruation Comes Late

Also read: 7 things every woman should know and be aware of about menstruation

Also Read: Don’t Take It For granted! These are 7 Menstrual Problems that Must Be Attentioned

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