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6 Ways to Overcome Shortness of Breath due to Stomach Acid at Home

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Congested Breathing is one of the symptoms of acid reflux disease. You can do several ways to deal with shortness of breath due to stomach acid yourself at home as first aid before seeing a doctor.

Stomach acid disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a digestive disorder, in which the acid in the stomach constantly rises up into the esophagus. This condition can cause various symptoms, ranging from heartburnshortness of breath, chest pain, difficulty swallowing, until the mouth tastes sour.

6 Ways to Overcome Shortness of Breath due to Stomach Acid at Home

Shortness of breath or dyspnea due to stomach acid is scary because it can cause life-threatening respiratory complications. Shortness of breath occurs because stomach acid that rises into the esophagus can enter the lungs, and cause the airway to swell. This usually occurs during sleep.

How to Overcome Shortness of Breath due to Stomach Acid

To relieve the symptoms, there are several ways to deal with shortness of breath due to stomach acid that you can do yourself at home. That way, you can feel calm for a moment before seeing a doctor for further examination.

Here are some ways:

1. Sit with your chest leaning forward

Sitting with a slight chest leaning forward can be one way to overcome shortness of breath due to stomach acid. You can sit on a chair, then keep your feet flat on the floor. Lean your chest forward, and rest your elbows on your knees or hold your chin with your hands. Make sure your neck and shoulder muscles are relaxed.

This position aims to create more space in the chest cavity so that you can breathe comfortably again.

2. Breathe with lips

This technique is performed by inhaling through the nose for a count of 2, and keeping the mouth closed. Then, purse your lips as if you were whistling, and exhale through your mouth for a count of 4.

This method of dealing with shortness of breath due to stomach acid aims to slow down your breathing so you don’t work too hard every time you inhale and exhale. In addition, breathing with these lips can also help release air in the lungs, so that fresh air can enter.

3. Perform diaphragmatic breathing

Breathing exercises such as diaphragmatic breathing can be one way to overcome shortness of breath due to stomach acid. To do this, you can sit in a chair with your knees bent. Keep your shoulders, head, and neck relaxed.

Place your hands on your stomach, then inhale slowly through your nose and feel your stomach moving under your hands. Then, exhale through your mouth with pursed lips. As you exhale, tighten your muscles and feel your stomach sink in.

Repeat this for about 5 minutes until you can breathe more easily.

4. Stand with your back supported

This technique can relax the airway and relieve shortness of breath due to stomach acid. The trick is to stand near a wall and rest your hips against the wall. Place your feet shoulder width apart, then place your hands on your thighs. After that, lean forward and swing your arms in front of you.

5. Sleep in a relaxed position

There are two sleeping positions that you can try as a way to deal with shortness of breath due to stomach acid.

First, try lying on your side and then place a pillow between your head and legs. Keep your back straight. Second, you can lie on your back, then place a pillow under your head and under your knees.

These two positions will relax your body and airway, making it easier for you to breathe.

6. Point the fan at your face

Pointing the fan at your face is known to relieve the symptoms of shortness of breath due to stomach acid you are experiencing. Turn on the fan towards your face until the previously tight breath is relieved. The fan will blow cool air which helps you catch your breath.

How to Prevent Shortness of Breath due to Stomach Acid

Preventing shortness of breath due to stomach acid is certainly related to efforts to prevent stomach acid disease or GERD. To prevent the emergence of this disease, you must change your lifestyle to be healthier.

The following are some lifestyle changes you can make:

If several ways to overcome shortness of breath due to stomach acid are not able to relieve the symptoms you are experiencing, you should consult a doctor for further treatment.

You need to see a doctor immediately if shortness of breath is accompanied by chest tightness or heaviness, as well as pain in the arms, back, neck, and jaw.

Your doctor may recommend certain medications, such as antacids and H2 receptor blockers, or in rare cases may suggest surgery.

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