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5 Reasons Loneliness Is Not a Factor to Find a Partner

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Before starting this article, think about it, are you currently lonely? It could be that even though you already have a partner, the loneliness still comes and haunts you. Often people suggest that you should not be lonely, you should find a partner and get married soon. However, is it effective in driving away the feeling of loneliness? Apparently not.

Even when you can’t control the feeling of the blanket, you shouldn’t look for a life partner. So, why can’t you find a partner when you feel lonely? Check out five reasons below.

1. You just haven’t been able to feel enough with yourself

5 Reasons Loneliness Is Not A Strong Factor To Find A Partnersolitary illustration (

When you are in a relationship with someone, reciprocity is needed. When someone gives you love, you also have to give love to that person. The ability to give is produced because you feel enough.

However, when you yourself feel lonely, how can you give your partner a sense of happiness? As for yourself alone you can not give a sense of happiness. Therefore, it feels ridiculous to look for a partner just to get over loneliness.

2. Loneliness equals happiness, which is a personal decision

5 Reasons Loneliness Is Not A Strong Factor To Find A Partnerbrooding illustration (

When you are looking for a bustling atmosphere outside, trust me it won’t last forever. Because lonely or not your life depends on your own decision. Just like happiness, you too have to decide to make life more colorful and don’t have to look for crowds outside.

The ability of oneself to be able to entertain and strengthen oneself, shows maturity in oneself. However, if you only have to be with the help of other people, then you are actually not an adult in a romantic relationship.

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3. Even when you have a partner, it doesn’t mean that happiness will come

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5 Reasons Loneliness Is Not A Strong Factor To Find A Partnerillustration of a couple fighting (

The thing you need to remember, having a partner is not the end of life’s purpose. Instead, you enter a new life, where usually everything is decided by yourself, now you have to discuss with your partner.

Well, when choosing a partner carelessly, you can’t guarantee that his presence will make your life more colorful. Because the attitude and character of your partner may not necessarily match your desires and expectations when looking for entertainment in others.

4. Only need to just run away

5 Reasons Loneliness Is Not A Strong Factor To Find A Partnercouple illustration (

Maybe on the one hand you feel that with his presence as your partner, the feeling of loneliness slowly begins to decrease. Now there is someone who asks how you are and is worried about you. However, you can’t be sure if it’s love or just your escape.

This of course will have an impact on the couple. If it turns out that you only like his presence which can drive away feelings of loneliness, while you don’t really love him, then the relationship will not last long. It will only hurt the other party.

5. Many problems in relationships can actually make you even more lonely

5 Reasons Loneliness Is Not A Strong Factor To Find A Partnercouple illustration (

People think that by having a partner everything will be easier, is not always true. Precisely when you are not mentally ready, then having a partner can make you feel even more lonely and even depressed. Don’t just think about the beautiful things in your relationship.

In a relationship, problems are bound to come. When you only focus on finding an outlet and are not ready to face the problem, then that feeling of loneliness can come back. For that, don’t make loneliness a place to find a partner.

Fostering a healthy romantic relationship must be accompanied by readiness in various aspects. Never think of romance as a means of making healing or just vent. You can hurt other people and even exacerbate the problems that exist within yourself.

Also read: 5 male characters in this KDrama can be used as a standard for life partners

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