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5 Forms of Father’s Support Expected by Mothers After Giving Birth

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Childbirth can be said to be a battle between life and death. Not without reason, this is because the mother struggles with excruciating pain during the process. This pain still persists even after giving birth.

Of course, this has the potential to hinder the mother in her activities. Not to mention the risk of postpartum depression or better known as syndrome baby blues stalking mothers. Therefore, the role of the husband is needed to support the mother through these times.

What are the expectations of new mothers for their husbands? Find out the answer together, let’s go!

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1. Help with domestic tasks

5 Forms of Father Support Expected by Mothers After Giving Birthsweeping illustration ( Production)

After giving birth, mothers will experience some adjustments and undergo postpartum recovery. Not to forget, the mother will also focus on taking care of the child so that she may not have time to take care of the housework.

However, the house of course should not be left messy. Because moms definitely want a clean and tidy home. At the same time, it can increase mood and maintain his mental state. Therefore, fathers can help complete domestic tasks, ranging from sweeping and mopping floors, cleaning mattresses, washing, and so on.

If you feel overwhelmed, dad can use house cleaning services, laundryand delivery service to ease the work.

2. Dividing the task of caring for children

5 Forms of Father Support Expected by Mothers After Giving Birthillustration of father taking care of child ( Production)

It is undeniable that the moment of the birth of a child is an immeasurable joy for parents. However, they have a big responsibility in taking care of the baby. What needs to be an important note, this task should not only be delegated to the mother, but the father must also be actively involved.

Therefore, mothers and fathers must share the task of caring for children. In addition to being an important key in parenting, this allows mothers to rest so they can focus on postpartum recovery. The goal is none other than to prevent fatigue that has the potential to trigger stress which worries him from developing into depression.

Also Read: 5 Sensitive Questions for Newly Born Young Mothers, Remember!

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3. Give appreciation

5 Forms of Father Support Expected by Mothers After Giving Birthcouple illustration ( Lach)

“Thank you, yes, for fighting for our child.”

“I am very proud of your struggle.”

“Thank you for coming and bringing happiness to us.”

Basically, everyone needs appreciation in order to feel valued. The same is desired by mothers who have struggled during pregnancy and childbirth. This can be done by being direct and giving her the things she likes, like buying her her favorite food.

The point is, make the mother feel valuable. Because it looks small, this is often overlooked, making the mother think that the struggle that is inscribed is meaningless. Therefore, the slightest form of appreciation can be very meaningful for mothers.

4. Be a good listener

5 Forms of Father Support Expected by Mothers After Giving Birthcouple illustration ( Bolovtsova)

It is normal for a mother’s emotions to fluctuate after giving birth. Change mood mother also will definitely happen drastically. In times like these, mothers just want to be heard and understood. Because, conveying complaints with loved ones can make him feel more relieved.

Therefore, empathy is needed in this case. Dads need to learn to listen attentively without interrupting or even giving judgment excessive. When mom talks, leave all the activities that are being done and focus on her. Comfort mom so she can feel better.

5. Give yourself time to adjust

5 Forms of Father Support Expected by Mothers After Giving Birthcouple illustration ( Subiyanto)

As mentioned in previous points, mothers need to adapt after giving birth. Mothers will also become more emotional thanks to significant hormonal fluctuations. The relationship between father and mother also has the potential to be tenuous because the mother will focus on caring for the baby instead of paying attention to the needs of the father and even herself.

Therefore, give the mother time to adjust. Understand her condition, this must be hard for her. You also need to understand when you need his presence and when you need time to be alone. Don’t worry, this adjustment period is temporary. So, be patient a little longer.

Becoming a new parent will feel like euphoria, it will give you immeasurable joy. But behind it all, there are also various challenges that must be overcome. In this case, the mother needs the full support of the father in order to get through this time well. This is often not stated. Therefore, fathers need to be more sensitive, yes!

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