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4 Signs of Overthinking and Its Impact on Health

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Thinking about past events or imagining the worst scenario in life can be signs overthinking. Habit overthinking This is quite tiring, but also quite difficult to get rid of. What are the signs overthinking and the impact on health?

The brain is an extraordinary processor capable of making conscious and subconscious decisions more than 35,000 times per day. However, if you are not careful in analyzing the questions that enter your brain, there will be excessive worry or also known as overthinking.

4 Signs of Overthinking and Its Impact on Health - Alodokter

For example, you’re constantly thinking about a smooth presentation with a client, even though it happened two days ago. Or you may be overthinking the worst of the session interview work that will be undertaken, even though everything has not happened.

In other words, overthinking It’s a disturbing negative thought. If left, overthinking can have a negative impact on health. In fact, studies show that thinking about the same thing over and over again can increase the risk of developing mental disorders, such as frustration and depression.

Therefore, understand what the signs are overthinkingso as not to be shackled in your own mind and prevent the occurrence of adverse effects on health.

Signs overthinking What to Watch Out for

Excessive thoughts can be your own enemy. When you think about a problem, situation in the past, or a scenario in the future continuously, the brain will work very hard and this is really tiring.

So that it doesn’t backfire in your life, take a look at some of the signs: overthinking the following:

1. Your mind is not focused on the solution

It should be understood that overthinking different from problem solving. overthinking only focus on thinking about the problem, while problem solving will find a solution to the problem you are experiencing.

So, if you only think about the problem without a solution, these could be signs overthinking.

2. There is excessive worry every night

When that worry arises all the time, until it feels like your mind can’t stop, these are the signs overthinking. Even when you want to sleep, your brain keeps replaying the scenarios in your head, causing those bad thoughts to come back.

Therefore, overthinking can make it difficult for you to fall asleep and reduce sleep quality. You certainly find it difficult to sleep well when your brain is busy thinking about everything, right?

3. It’s hard to make a decision

Research shows that thinking too long can make it difficult for a person to make decisions. overthinking can make you doubt everything, from choosing what clothes to wear, which job to take precedence, even to what fruit you want to eat.

Although it looks trivial, this little thing that you worry too much about will become a big problem in the future. So, when you spend more time thinking and find it difficult to make a decision, this is one of the signs overthinking.

4. Unable to control the mind

Signs overthinking the other is that you’re always thinking the same thing over and over again, be it a past event or a foreshadowing of something bad that’s about to happen. These thoughts can arise constantly because of the inability of oneself to control them.

If this continues, then the risk of mental health disorders may occur. When mental health conditions are compromised, overthinking will grip you again and the cycle will keep repeating itself.

Everyone has negative thoughts in their life. However, it is best to keep these negative thoughts away from your life because they can cause mental stress and affect your mental health condition.

Impact overthinking for Health

overthinking protracted can have an impact on health, both physically and psychologically. The following are some of the effects overthinking what might happen:

To prevent its effects, you must recognize the signs overthinking and how to solve it. Make sure you know what triggers it overthinkingfor example thinking about the future.

When you find out thinking about the future is one of the triggers overthinking, then live your best life today. Try not to delve too much into unforeseen bad things that are out of your control.

Apart from knowing the triggers, there are a few things that can help you deal with it overthinkingincluding:

  • Consider how things are going right, don’t think about the possibility of going wrong
  • Arrange about alternative plans if the situation and conditions do not allow you to carry out the original plan
  • Remember your priorities, so it doesn’t take too long to make a decision
  • Determine how long it will take you to find a solution or make a decision
  • Set time to watch the news, whether on television or on social media, so that not too much information comes in and gets you overthinking
  • Distract your mind by doing fun things, like reading a book, meditating, exercising, or going for a walk

Signs overthinking Of course it can be realized, especially if at this time there are so many things that fill your mind. When overthinking approach, try to apply some of the tips above, and also consider the health effects that you may suffer in the future.

Remember that not everything has to be thought out and not everything is in your control. Try to stay away from all negative thoughts, and enjoy the life you are living right now. Trying your best and focusing on the goals you want to achieve will certainly make your life more enjoyable.

However, if you feel signs of overthinking and can not control it, even to the point of causing interference in carrying out daily activities, you should see a psychologist or psychiatrist for appropriate advice.

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